It has been a long time since I updated my blog. I had been busy (and will continue to be) since after my beautiful break in Australia. First was the engagement, then work and then wedding....loads of things to do and many difficult people (including my future mother-in-law) to deal with. I guess the most tiring thing to do was dealing with a psycho, not work, not wedding but a psycho who you had to console and challenge with!
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Today is last day of my holiday in Australia. It is just an ordinary day at home. I woke up in the morning and went to the gym for 1 hour of body balance class. At the end of the class, we had a 5 min meditation and everyone was lying down to the floor. It was so comfortable that I could even feel the gental breeze that such sensation was impossible to be experienced in Taiwan! I couldn't describe how much I love home in Australia!
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Got an email from my colleague today and was informed to complete a report for my fxxking boss by tomorrow! Can't she just leave me alone???? I am still on holiday!
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I've been back to Australia for 2 days now and it was so good to be home getting spoiled by mum and dad again.

There is nothing particular I do when I come back here but it is good enough to see my old folks and friends.
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Well, I will just tell you why we left messages on the MSN blog rather than emailing each other, Claudia. Because this the only way to get you to lift your lazy hands and write to me!!! Hahaha...however I have to warn you that what's communicated between us will be viewed by the public so you'd better keep this away from your boss!
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Clau, we don't have a HR here as my boss is simply the highest commander here and no one can talk to her!!! You are lucky to have your problems solved. To me, I will just have to learn being patient and having my ears shut-up when my boss bitches around. A ramour was said that she might be sacked because our BIG boss (from the government) wasn't in a good position now.This BIG boss was the one who sent our useless boss here. I really hope we can have a new boss with more professional experience and better EQ! Pray for me and my colleagues! We had been suffering for too long!
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Don't know what's got my boss and she was bitching around at everybody!

There were meetings starting in the morning and another one followed after lunch (actually no time for lunch!). It was tiring enough and our bitchy boss still wanted to call for the group meeting. It wasn't a meeting but a "trouble-making" time! For no reason, she starts accusing on me, May May, Cha-chi and Chain who were spending the most time at hardwork! The one who never worked and never helped was perfectly away from her troubles and I wonder what's in her brain? Shit?? She is such a paranoid person and definitly a spastic! She probably spent more than 30 mins commenting on our work (in a bad bad manner) and the way she shouted at us proved that she is such an uncivilised person. Everyone felt sorry for her because she had such a failure that everyone showed no respect to her and not to metnion to befriend with her. Her life is miserable and I can see her future as a lonely old woman with no one approaching her!
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We had a very funny Xmas party at work as everyone was to prepare a small present for exchange. One of the colleagues even provided a bottle of vegetable oil attached to his little gift. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that oil under the tree! The gift number of that "special gift" was number 11. When it was time to exchange present, everyone was yelling out "Number 11"! This "special gift" created a climax for this party as everyone was "scared" to draw the number 11!
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It took me a long while to finally write something about the international conference we were hosting. To make a brief description to it, I have to say that the conference was a success and we had hell lots of fun of it. The greatest thing of all was that we have a bunch of funny colleagues that made things wonderful and easy. We had so much laughter whist dealing with a lot of chaos at the same time. I think those photos could tell it all!:)
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I had a very tiring week spent with Michael’s parents. Well, it’s good to know that his mother is not again me any more however it’s such a pian for me to “pretend” obedient . The good thing was that my “pretending” had won her heart and she took me to Burberry shopping! She got me trying a lot of clothes and intended to pay for me. I didn’t want to because they were too expensive, then she suggested that she paid half for me to make me feel “better”. HOWEVER, I have to say that half of the total price is equivalent to my one month salary! I refused to buy but I knew she might be upset so I took out my card with my shaking hands….*swipe*, the card went through and one month salary was gone! L Michael said he would pay for me but it’s okay since I liked this pretty trench coat, pants and sweater. Can’t believe I finally got the trench coat (believe it or not, it’s about $67900 NT!!) that I dreamed for long time but I had never ever spent that much of money at once for clothing. It’s not my style! Well, I must ask for a pay raise after the conference next month. Speaking of the conference, the fear is creeping up to my spinal cord, I could envisage the upcoming chaos because there are many things not yet sorted out. Not because of our team but the stupid Europeans! They claimed they are “professional and expereienced people” but to me they are just some greedy dummies who are just unprofessional and unexpereienced. If they are experienced people, they should have submitted their papers on time! And they were paid with $400 USD for a merely 30 minute presentation. One day I hope I can be one of those “professionals” and get the money back frok them! Ha!
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