Time flies~~~it's 2008 already and I found I haven't updated my blog since last Novermber!
Speaking of new year, there comes the new year resolutions of mine: following the 3 monkeys rules (speak, hear and see no devil) and the most important thing is to lose some weights!

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Last night I was walking back to my small studio flat after a long and tiring day at work. Suddenly, a woman riding a motobike fell out in front of me! It was a humid night though not raining, the road was still slippy. Anyway, the woman hit the ground quite heavily and people who saw the incident were shocked but in an instance, people surrounding her started to gather and help her and her motorbike up. Of course I went and helped too. The point is that I was so amazed seeing people in Taipei are so friendly and kind. They gathered quickly to help a stranger up and who said people in Taipei are cold and unfriendly? I totally disagreed because I saw a group of lovely and friendly people who are making this City safe and amiable to live and enjoy! I guess this is what the world city "London" cannot compare with, though I had never been to London but I often heard people there are so unfriendly and care nothing for stranger. We should be proud of who we are~~Taipei slickers~~

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It has been a week after I watched the movie "Lust and Caution". I wasn't that moved while watching it in the theatre but images kept flashing back in my mind and I was slowly moved. The director is like the magician who makes a ripple on the surface of our mind. The movie was quite shocking and smartly revealed. Overall, it's a good movie without any question. These controversial sextual scenes that were now seen as necessity of directing audience into the main theme. I have to say that I wouldn't mind to watch it again! :)

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隔了一年,又回到澳洲老家了。這次是因公回家,我們一夥人跟著市長郝龍斌來到布里斯本參加亞太城市高峰會,因為市長的簡報是我負責的,所以此才有幸跟隨著回家! 不過回到家的第一個禮拜,幾乎是三過家門而不入,天天在外面跟著市長的行程跑。市長簡報的那一天我有點小緊張,深怕有狀況,市長人真的很nice還拍拍我的肩膀說不要緊張,沒事的! 簡報很順利,市長的表現更不用說。其中一天還有一位澳洲很有名的律師以辯論的方式詢問受邀上台的市長們有關他們對於未來20年的城市願景,在台上激辯的郝市長英文流利,口才也很棒,贏得台下許多掌聲,身為市府員工一員,真的很驕傲。市長私底下也蠻幽默的,跟他那種媒體上嚴肅的形象差很多。市長不只親民,還有點搞笑勒~~哈,不過那是我們有幸看到,不然雖然天天都在同一棟大樓,卻很少有機會看到市長出現。我只能說我很幸運,有很照顧我的長官及同事!

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A few more days later, I will be Down-under and home! It has been a long time since I had been home last year and this time I will be home based on a "business trip"! In another word, I won't have to pay a penny for my flight and other expenses!  Besides that, I will be travelling with the Mayor! Wow~

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前幾天在西門町的徒步區時,看到一攤水果攤上面堆滿老闆娘精心挑選過的切片水果,每一樣看起來都很新鮮,加上突然很想吃點水果,於是上前詢問價錢。天啊~觀光地區(算是觀光區吧!)的水果可不便宜,問了每一樣都是半斤60塊不然就是半斤70! 雖然貴,可是詢問了那麼久不買也不好意思,就在我掏出錢包準備購買時,老闆娘突然拔腿就推著拖車狂奔跑開! 突如其來的舉動還真嚇了我一跳,原來是警察臨檢,站在我隔壁的兩個老外的表情更是好笑,他們呆若木雞的站在原地,一副"天啊 ~發生了什麼暴動嗎?" 表情!

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I've been so lazy updating my blog but I guess there are many lazy asses worse than I am (Claudia, that's you!).

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Last week a collague invited me to attend a music concert by Philip Glass. He is quite well-known for his movie music theme. I was so excited that my colleague invited me and together we went to the concern on 4/16. To my surprise, the concert wasn't the classical music that I'd expected but something of new age! Honestly, I preferred classical but this concert had opened up a new experience for me. The electronic piano's repeat beats created some sort of "noise" but if one closes eyes, you could hear the oboe and flute playing beautiful melody! The beautiful vocal was also created a great note to the whole performance.

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It has been a long since my last blogging. Well, part of me is being lazy and the other part of me is unwilling to leaving all my emtional disappointment/trace on this cyber world.

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