然而,昨晚做了一個非常好吃的提拉米蘇(本文重點),這次是新食譜(又是參考Curtis Stone的食譜),跟我以往做的不太一樣。以前版本是無蛋,這次是有蛋。做法差一些,不過都非常好吃!這次我決定買義大利的ladyfinger餅乾,省去我做底層蛋糕的時間。這個ladyfinger在我家附近新開的烘培材料行買到的。 新竹終於有家比較有規模又好停車的烘培材料行,這家烘培材料行可以買到所有烘培需要的器具跟材料,讓愛做點心的瓜媽龍心大悅,忍不住要大笑三聲~哈~哈~哈~好啊!
艾佳食品材料行 -- 竹北店
星期一至星期六 AM9:00~PM21:00
星期日 AM9:00~PM18:00
這裡也找得到Mascarpone Cheese,這是提拉米蘇必要材料,一般市售的提拉米蘇不會用那麼好的起司,但是這種軟軟的起司做起來才會對味。不過這次用的起司是在Costco買的,一盒500g才195元,算很便宜,以前在別的地方(忘了哪家量販店),一盒都要將近300元,而且才250g的!
Serves 6 (6人份)
2/3 cup strong espresso (or substitute 1 tablespoon instant coffee dissolved in 2/3 cup of boiling water) 濃縮咖啡或即溶咖啡亦可
½ cup brandy 白蘭地
4 large egg yolks 蛋黃
4 tablespoons granulated sugar 砂糖
2 large egg whites 蛋白
2 cups mascarpone cheese, room temperature 馬斯卡彭起司
30 (about) crisp Italian ladyfinger cookies (such as Savoiardi), or about 15 larger cookies, broken in half 指頭餅乾
Unsweetened cocoa powder, for dusting 無糖可可粉
In a small bowl, combine the espresso and brandy. Set aside to cool completely. If the espresso mixture is hot the ladyfingers will absorb too much liquid and fall apart easily. Using a hand-held electric mixer, beat the egg yolks and 2 tablespoons of sugar in a medium metal bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water until the mixture is pale and thick and forms a ribbon when the beaters are lifted, about 4 minutes.
Cool for 5 minutes. Place the mascarpone in a large bowl. Stir half of the yolk mixture into the mascarpone to lighten, then fold in the remaining yolk mixture. In another large bowl and using clean beaters, beat the egg whites and the remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar with the electric mixer just until stiff peaks form. Be sure the beaters are clean in order to help the egg whites beat up to their full volume.
放涼約五分鐘。 將馬斯卡彭起司放在一個大碗裡,將一半蛋黃混合物加入起司內,慢慢攪拌,拌勻後在把剩下的加入。另用一個碗將蛋白加兩湯匙糖打發。
Fold the egg whites into the mascarpone mixture and set aside. Spoon a thin layer of the mascarpone mixture over the bottom of a 2-quart trifle bowl. Using enough cookies to form a layer over the mascarpone mixture in the trifle bowl, submerge the cookies in the cooled espresso-brandy mixture for 5 seconds.
Place the cookies in a single layer over the custard in the trifle bowl. Spread more mascarpone mixture over the cookies to form another layer.
Repeat with the remaining cookies, espresso-brandy mixture, and mascarpone mixture to create layers in the trifle bowl, ending with the mascarpone mixture on top. Sift the cocoa powder over the tiramisu. Refrigerate until set, about 2 hours.